A New Year Prayer
May the first rain not convince the winter that this was it's last chance to fall.
May all things new and good flow easily into our lives.
May the winds of change bring out the best in all people.
May our planet be able to contain and sustain us all.
I pray that my Mother gets well again soon.
I pray that my family stays safe and that we try to be there for each other always.
I pray that our love grows and that we all learn to express how we feel and to show how much we appreciate one another.
May my love and passion thrive for yet another spectacular year.
May I be able to contribute to my love's life, so that her life feels beautiful and exciting.
May time help me grow.
May my growth help me spread my wings.
May more wings open for me to fly in.
Happy New Year and may the heavens open and spread light and love from all the beloved people who I have loved and had to say goodbye to till we meet again in other realms.
In loving memory of Yarden Weinberg, Ruth Gran, Michal Barkan, Ilana Shoval, Yael Shine & Maxine Todres